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Ruinuo Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-311-89916981
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Skype: ruinuosale
MSN: reinnowsale@hotmail.com
E-mail: reinnow@yahoo.com

Medical Cold Therapy System (SRN01-III)

1. Small and portable with carrying bag;

2. Double power supply system;

3. Rechargeable battery can guarantee at least 10 hours of continuous running of the device;

4. Excellent insulation function guarantees the water temperature within reasonable temperature range after 6 hours of continuous running;

5. Specially designed for outdoor sports activities, emergency treatment and households;

6. Affordable and competitive prices.




No.55 Kunlun Street, Shijiazhuang High﹠New Technology Industry Development Zone, ShijiazhuangHebei Province, P.R. China
Post Code: 050035